Did You See National Alpaca Farm Days Video?
It's brilliant!
Congratulations to the Alpaca Owners Association (AOA) on a great ad!
National Alpaca Farm Days is Saturday, Sunday, September 24-25, 2016
NAFD is an excellent opportunity to show off your farm to the public. It's also an ideal time to get visits from those prospects who have been thinking about alpacas and would like to learn more, get a feel for the lifestyle and see if they want to proceed with getting into alpacas!
What does it take to have a successfull farm day?
We have been in alpacas as farmers, shearers, retailers and wholesalers since 2001. On our farm and in chatting with my many other farms over the years we've dicovered there are just a few, but very key components to a success farm day.
1. People have to know about it!
Make sure your on every list possible. The best bang is to be listed on your local community events calendar. Your local alpaca association is hopefully encouraging members to post flyers all over, in the paper, perhaps radio or even TV. We have repeatedly been told that our Preferred Retailers Map continues to drive prospects to member farms. We promote that list online and to a 30,000 member mailing list of alpaca lovers to encourage visits to member farms.

If you have a list of propects, they surely should get a personal invitation. You might even draft some of the more established prospects to "volunteer" to help!
2. Your selling the lifestyle as much as the alpacas.
Your farm should look idyllic. Clean, pretty, happy and workable.
Your prospects want to live the lifestyle and that lifestyle is beautiful, peaceful, simple and easy to understand.
We once had a guy who quietly stood in the pasture for 90 minutes during a crazy-busy 300+ visitor open house. When I finally got to talk to him he said. "It's just so beautiful here. The alpacas are so warm to just watch." Yeah, he gets it! :)
3. Your prospects want to see the value.
This is where the products come in. For us, we immediately offered products when we started our first farm. Though alpacas have tremendous value to the heart and soul, its SMART to show off the fantastic products which come from alpaca fiber!
For normal farm visits, the last stop should always be the products store, room, closet, chest or table. There is a thriving alpaca products market that continues to expand! The industry is HEALTHY and USA markets continue to grow in sales (even in this market!) of both imported and AMERICAN grown alpaca fiber!
That final stop at the products area is also the great way to wrap up a visit while earning farm income from thankful visitors who now LOVE alpacas and want to wear it, show it off and remember their wonderful day.
You owe it to them to have a selection of items!
One last thought... many of your visitors will keep you in mind for Christmas season sales. Make that EASY for them but having flyers and getting them on a mailing list. Perhaps offer a fun prize drawing as this frequently gets many more people to sign up.
Do you have any great experiences or tips which could help your fellow alpaca breeder with their Farm Day?
Please help by sharing your ideas and stories on our Farm Day BLOG: