New Alpaca Store Products Just Arrived! Promote Alpaca with New Products Just Arrived! Cute new Little Odd Forrest Hand Made Plushes *** NEW Wholesale ItemExtreme Weather Iditarod 100% Alpaca Hat Now We are pleased to offer this uniquely designed extreme weather 100% Baby Alpaca extreme weather hat. Designed for extreme cold weather the Iditarod Alpaca Beanie Hat features a doubly thick tightly knit layer of 100%...
No Minimums and Summer Savings Specials We're Up to Our Necks Here in Alpaca Socks! They're all here at once. We're totally out of room. Take advantage of our need for space NOW. Stock up now with summer "make space" specials: * Get 5% off your order. (Must enter checkout Discount Code: SAVE5PCT) * Free Shipping at $750 * Finance your $750...
Financing? Many stores are already doing it. We want to grow with you! Multiple retailers have asked about a financing program that would allow a large purchase ($750+) to be spread over time. This program is only available to existing customers making at least 1 prior purchase (aka, "credit established"). The "financing" is simple: 6 even automated monthly charges against a credit card on file. There is a small $30 fee...